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Pagerduty - Incident Response

This documentation covers parts of the PagerDuty Incident Response process. It is a cut-down version of our internal documentation, used at PagerDuty for any major incidents, and to prepare new employees for on-call responsibilities. It provides information not only on preparing for an incident, but also what to do during and after. It is intended to be used by on-call practitioners and those involved in an operational incident response process (or those wishing to enact a formal incident response process).

If you don’t yet have a process in your own organization, or if you’re just starting out, you may find the sheer quantity of information in this documentation overwhelming. It’s important to remember that this isn’t something you’ll be able to implement overnight. It’s a process that should be built up over time. While it took us years to get to this point, our hope is that you can make use of this documentation to skip some of the awkward growing pains we went through, and reach a more mature incident response process in the most efficient way possible.

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Tags: Incident response, Organizational structure
